
Plain air in Rome on September 15-17

We invite you to the plain air in Rome on September 15-17

Tell us, what could be better than Italy? There the sun shines brightly, the clear air is filled with the smell of flowering trees, the bright blue sky overhead, the aroma of coffee ... All this excites and inspires, and calls-calls ... Here we are - we call you on a trip to the very center of Italy - Rome! This is not just a trip, but a real trip together with the masters of watercolor on the beautiful corners of Rome.
We invite all - and professional artists, and lovers, and just those who love Italy.
About Plener with Igor and Ekaterina Sava!
Dates: September 15-17, 2017
Time spending:
Three days from 10 to 16 hours (with a break for lunch 30 minutes).
After lunch, you can go to another group)
Two parallel groups with two masters.
First day:

  • - Acquaintance with artists, their works, preferences in techniques
  • - A small lecture on the materials used: paper, paints, brushes

Every plain day:

  • - Discussion of the drawing, composition, tone and color in the urban landscape.
  • - Demonstration work of artists with comments
  • - Practical development of techniques and techniques under the guidance of Igor with comments, explanations and help to participants at all stages of work on their own watercolors
  • - Upon completion of the work - discussion of the results, answers to questions

It is necessary to have with yourself:

  • - Cotton paper 300 g / m, plus or minus 30 * 50 cm. One sheet per day
  • Please pay special attention to the paper, because. The result very often depends on the quality! Especially recommended brands of paper: Arches and Sanders Waterford, Rough grain or Cold press

  • - Watercolors any (our domestic Leningrad, as well as foreign production (Winsor & Newton, Schminke, Daler Rowney, Van Gogh, etc.) .There are no special preferences
  • - Pencil, eraser, flat plastic palette
  • - Brushes 5-10 pieces, including Chinese calligraphic
  • - Water tank
  • - Tablet for plein air work
  • - Paint tape
  • - Camp-chair
  • - Tripod under the tablet - if desired, if you use
  • - Hat and water 🙂

To write to the master class you need to send the application in free form: zu3000@mail.ru
The cost of master classes for all 3 days is 200 euros.
The recruitment to the group has already begun. JOIN!


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